Might be coincidence but the night you had a live event on the site, my profile pics stopped displaying.
When I select Albums, Photos, or Edit-View links from inside camera icon, or "My Image Gallery" link, blank area appears where album pic used to be and only the text link for "toggle slideshow" appears. If I select the "toggle slideshow" link, pics will display in the slideshow, but even old pics that Ive tried to delete in the past appear as well! Also, on my main profile page, pics still cycle through display area in on left side.
So apparently the pics are still on the server, but the previous interface for displaying them appears to be gone. This is the case whether Im logged on or just visiting. Please advise.
Thanks.. Bobby
Drummer Comments (1)
[+] Add Commentdrumfreak Says Albums and photos from profile stopped displaying
Submitted On: Friday, Nov 6, 2009 - 8:12 PM
Hey Barefoot, Thanks, I'm aware of this issue and it's being fixed tonight. Meanwhile, have fun at https://DrummerConnection.com/thewall (this is also being worked on right now :))
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