So I was doing a deep cleaning of my kit the other day..and noticed that one of my tention rods on my snare was not the same length as the rest it bent my batter side hoop a tad bit..I won the lars Ulrich diamond plated steel snare ..and because my local shops there are only two shops and neither one of em carry the tama tension rods..Gibralter wont work on it...SO could i just saw off tha rod a bit soo it will match tha lenth of the others..or is that stupid..and as far as the diescast guessin theres nothin i can do about bending it back is there?
Drummer Comments (4)
[+] Add Commentdrummerman247 Says Re: snare drum tension rod issue
Submitted On: Tuesday, Oct 6, 2009 - 1:37 PM
thanks guys..I actually have that dvd..amd I know how to tune..I think earlier in tha tour my drum tech lost a tension rod and grabbed a spare one without checking tha length..and then you know what follows..and yea if you could ask someone how to fix it that would be bad ass .thanks!
drummerman247 Says Re: snare drum tension rod issue
Submitted On: Tuesday, Oct 6, 2009 - 1:37 PM
thanks guys..I actually have that dvd..amd I know how to tune..I think earlier in tha tour my drum tech lost a tension rod and grabbed a spare one without checking tha length..and then you know what follows..and yea if you could ask someone how to fix it that would be bad ass .thanks!
- - D - - Says Re: snare drum tension rod issue
Submitted On: Tuesday, Oct 6, 2009 - 11:53 AM
yes to cutting the tension rod, but be careful when doing it, you need to be very precise..bending the hoop, no way, Diecast are solid, you need to get a new one. Recommended by our Good Friend Luis Lorenzo: It would be a good idea to pick up the Bob Gatzen DVD: Drum Tuning.
- - D - - Says Re: snare drum tension rod issue
Submitted On: Tuesday, Oct 6, 2009 - 9:13 AM
Hey drummerman dude. Man, I heard of fixing bent hoops with a little elbow grease but I havent done it myself. I know a guy that builds drums and things so I can ask for you.
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