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What are Drummer FEEDS and How do I subscribe to them?

by drumfreak on Thu, 07/17/2008 - 11:42

A FEED is used to send data related to our website to your computer to allow you to preview what's going on and keep you informed. A more technical definition from Wikipedia.com would be:


"A web feed (or news feed) is a data format used for providing users with frequently updated content. Content distributors syndicate a web feed, thereby allowing users to subscribe to it. Making a collection of web feeds accessible in one spot is known as aggregation, which is performed by an Internet aggregator. A web feed is also sometimes referred to as a syndicated feed.

In the typical scenario of using web feeds, a content provider publishes a feed link on their site which end users can register with an aggregator program (also called a feed reader or a news reader) running on their own machines; doing this is usually as simple as dragging the link from the web browser
to the aggregator. When instructed, the aggregator asks all the servers
in its feed list if they have new content; if so, the aggregator either
makes a note of the new content or downloads it. Aggregators can be
scheduled to check for new content periodically. Web feeds are an
example of pull technology, although they may appear to push content to the user.

The kinds of content delivered by a web feed are typically HTML
(webpage content) or links to webpages and other kinds of digital
media. Often when websites provide web feeds to notify users of content
updates, they only include summaries in the web feed rather than the
full content itself.

Web feeds are operated by many news websites, weblogs, schools, and podcasters."



To use Drummer Connection's Feeds in Firefox or Thunderbird, please watch the videos below:






Other Drummer FAQ

How do I add a Blog entry on Drummer Connection?
How do I add a Blog entry on Drummer Connection?

Mon, 07/21/2008 - 20:59
by: drumfreak

This is a feature that is being worked on, however you can go to ADD A BLOG ENTRY  when you're si...

How can I download Drummer Connection's Drummer Videos to my computer?
How can I download Drummer Connection's Drummer Videos to my computer?

Tue, 07/15/2008 - 00:08
by: drumfreak

Unfortunately, you can't. Not in a format that would play back on most computers without special s...

How do I upload Audio MP3 files to Drummer Connection?
How do I upload Audio MP3 files to Drummer Connection?

Mon, 07/14/2008 - 14:56
by: drumfreak

Please review this video for help on uploading Audio to Drummer Connection [dcvideo=2831] ...

How do I upload or change my picture for my profile?
How do I upload or change my picture for my profile?

Mon, 07/14/2008 - 14:34
by: drumfreak

Please view this video for uploading / changing your Drummer Connection picture. [dcvideo=282...

How do I add the Playlist.com Player to my profile?
How do I add the Playlist.com Player to my profile?

Mon, 07/14/2008 - 14:13
by: drumfreak

To add the Playlist.com player to your profile, please watch this video: [dcvideo=2824] ...

How do I add my favorite Youtube video to my profile?
How do I add my favorite Youtube video to my profile?

Mon, 07/14/2008 - 14:08
by: drumfreak

Please review this video for help:   [dcvideo=2822] ...

How do I change my picture on Drummer Connection?
How do I change my picture on Drummer Connection?

Sun, 07/13/2008 - 01:16
by: drumfreak

Click the Edit Account link on the right side of the website under your username. On the page, hal...

I want to list my Drum Store on Drummer Connection, how do I do that?
I want to list my Drum Store on Drummer Connection, how do I do that?

Thu, 07/10/2008 - 14:09
by: drumfreak

Ideally you should be a representative of the drum store you are wanting to list. If not, you can ...

I have a question related to drumming! How do I ask, or where do I put it?
I have a question related to drumming! How do I ask, or where do I put it?

Thu, 07/10/2008 - 14:04
by: drumfreak

Please do not send us private messages asking drum advice. The best place to put this is in the Fo...

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