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Qigong, Yoga, Meditation, Music, Dancing, and Drum Circle on the Beach!

by King on Fri, 12/04/2009 - 10:16
      Qigong, Yoga, Meditation, Music, Dancing, and Drum Circle on the Beach!






Many conscious communities gathering together to create one magical evening.

Sunday Dec. 6th  5p - 10p

Join us on this blissful evening, bring your friends, and simply share this invitation with your community - it is easy for you to help expand the consciousness and make a big difference!

We begin the evening with a half hour of networking so that you can connect with many kindred spirits. We complete the evening with live music, a drum circle, and dancing to celebrate life, love, and our connectedness.


A1A just 1block north of Sheridan turn east on FOREST Street

On the beach directly east of
4000 N. Surf Rd.
Hollywood, FL 33019
(first house north of Sheridan St.)
Minimum Love Donation: $10

Bring a beach blanket, water, and snacks. Family friendly. Alcohol and drug-free environment - pure mind, pure intention, pure manifestation
We are the ones we've been waiting for...
~ being the change we wish to see in the world ~

With pure intention, we are conscious individuals and communities joining together as one heart and one mind to practice qigong, yoga, meditation, sound healing, drumming, and dancing to cultivate peace, compassion, gratitude, and love.

Last month, 200 beautiful souls joined us, and this time we are expecting more. As our gatherings keep growing, we are expanding these vibrations throughout our local and global communities.
Join us on this blissful evening, bring your friends, and simply share this invitation with your community - it is easy for you to help expand the consciousness and make a big difference!

We begin the evening with a half hour of networking so that you can connect with many kindred spirits. We complete the evening with live music, a drum circle, and dancing to celebrate life, love, and our connectedness.
 please read  < IMPORTANT PARKING INFORMATION >  please read
Anyone interested Volunteer exchange program email [email protected]
Creating Sacred Space with Carey Stokes (medicinewindwarrior.com)

Qigong with Jared Krupnick (energeticqigong.com)
Kundalini Yoga with Jiwan Kaur (jiwanyoga.com)

Goddess Veil Dance featuring Lisa Lumiere (lisalumiere.com) and Carmen Garson (goddessstore.com) presented by The Goddess Studio

The Voice of the Earth with Val Silidker (thevoiceoftheearth.com)
Yotolon Mystery School with Will I Am and Eric Dez (yotolon.com)

Circle of Sacred Sound with Eric Dez, Kavaya Wight, VAl, Ankuphara, & more (ericdez.com)
Sacred Full Moon Fire Performance by * DaKini * (myspace.com/safyre_productions)
DrumDanceEcoTheatre presented by Howard Dean aka [email protected] also(floridaeconetwork.com)
 www.DrumDanceEcoTheatre.com, EVENT SPONSORS


The Beach - please read event for more directions
4000 N. Surf Rd. - A1A just 1block north of Sheridan turn east o
Hollywood, FL 33019


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