Drummer Connection Forum

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Drummer Connection
Welcome! Introduce yourself here. Feel free to say hello and announce yourself!
85 296 4 hours 13 min ago
by drumfreak
Got a Feature Request? Post it here!
21 47 17 hours 46 min ago
by WhiteLightning
Having problems with our site? Be nice and descriptive and we'll work on helping you out! Please do not post your e-mail address or passwords! We will not ask you for your password either!
11 39 17 hours 10 min ago
by drummer21208
This is for webmasters only. Bug reports, feature discussions, etc.
5 11 1 week 6 days ago
by drumfreak
Tech Talk
Talk about your technical drum related issues here.
61 439 3 hours 49 min ago
by ThatDrummerKid
Talk about all kinds of drum related topics.
8 53 3 weeks 2 days ago
by drumfreak
Drum Hardware: Racks, drum/cymbal stands/pedals etc.
21 132 3 days 1 hour ago
by ThatDrummerKid
List drum accessories not specifically related to drum hardware: sticks,attachments,drum keys etc.
20 115 12 weeks 4 days ago
by kyle7863
Drummer Discussions
General discussions on health issues pertaining to drummers.
13 61 1 week 1 day ago
by saigon
Talk about rudiments, or even upload some!
4 20 8 weeks 6 days ago
by drumhead101541
Post your opinions on technique, instructors, and even talk about your favorite instructional book/DVD.
19 106 1 week 2 days ago
by drumfreak
Drum Events: Clinics, Shows, Drum-Off's
20 52 1 week 2 days ago
by drumfreak
If you need help buying drums, or you're selling some, post here!
28 87 3 weeks 6 days ago
by sticksofury989
We get 5 e-mails a day on this. Please post your Band / Drummer Listings here! Be careful putting your e-mail address on the site. Rather have them private message you or use the site's contact form!
18 25 3 days 4 hours ago
by ThatDrummerKid
Drummer Events
Talk about Modern Drummer Festival Past / Present / Future here!
2 5 39 weeks 6 days ago
by King
Winter NAMM 2009 Board.
2 2 n/a
Information, updates, artist set-ups, and everything Summer NAMM goes here.
3 11 44 weeks 4 hours ago
by King
Here you can find information about the various contests and prizes that Drummer Connection members are eligible for. No purchase necessary.
3 8 7 weeks 4 hours ago
by King
General Category
Here's a board where you can add website links that help you most with drumming in general.
23 42 9 weeks 6 days ago
by King
Have a Good Experience, or a Bad one shopping for Drum Gear? Be nice, but tell us about it!
4 10 8 weeks 5 days ago
by drumfreak
Feel free to talk about anything and everything in this board.
70 279 1 week 3 hours ago
by saigon
This board is for you to post the best SPAM you've seen in your e-mails. Please do not upload dirty or pornographic pictures. Try to omit (remove) your e-mail addresses and make sure that you don't give any links out. Just quote the body texts...
1 5 1 week 6 days ago
by drumfreak