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Wood verses Acrylic drums

don p - Wed, 05/20/2009 - 17:50 | 4,618 views

I am considering/wanting badly to get a different kit. I play a premire XPK kit (standard size drums, 22 kick 12,13,16 toms). I don't play much rock anymore and want a tighter sound. I'm thinking smaller drums, (10,12,14, toms I'll probably stick with a 22 kick). I love wood and never considered acrylics but thought I'd ask you experts what your opinions are concerning the differences, pro's and cons on both. Thanks, don p

Drummer Comments (6)

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ThatDrummerKid Says Re: Wood verses Acrylic drums

Submitted On: Friday, May 22, 2009 - 10:58 AM

Acrylic drums are nice and look great under the right lighting, but they are hard to mic up it seems. That are also louder than wood drums which in some cases isn't a good thing. I personally love the sound of a true maple shell. The warmth and depth in the tone gets me every time :]

Johnny Nobody Says Re: Wood verses Acrylic drums

Submitted On: Thursday, May 21, 2009 - 5:58 PM

acrylic is loud an resonate compared to wood. I want to build an acrylic set of ELECTRIC DRUMS someday. Its a one sound world with acoustic sets, you get what you build. Thats part of the driving force with my invention. I like alot of different music an one kit won't do it. Not to mention trying to break out of the universe.

Gdrum Says Re: Wood verses Acrylic drums

Submitted On: Thursday, May 21, 2009 - 5:01 AM

If you are looking for a tighter sound, the last thing you want is an acrylic kit. They are very open not the best tone, and hard to tune. Mainly for looks, and for live rock.

IROCK Says Re: Wood verses Acrylic drums

Submitted On: Thursday, May 21, 2009 - 12:37 AM

I own a 10pc Clear Ludwig Vistalite made 1972- 1973. I bought them about 8 years ago. These are my favorite Drums I have owned. I tried alot of things before I could get the sound right. If you know how to tune them and use the right heads the sound is amazing! They also look great under the color lights.It has that Bonham live S.R.T.S. sound. I do not use a Vistalite snare. I use the brass Tama snare, with some work and tricks it sounds great. I will be looking at the Ludwig Supraphonic snare to get next. I have owned a Rockstar wood Ludwig, Tama Royal Star, Tama Superstar, Pearl and played on about every brand known. I have been playing in working rock bands for over 20 years. I am playing the 5pc of 10 in the picture. I will post another picture of the set soon. A good sounding set helps but its how you play them that make you sound like a pro or amature. Rock on, Mark

don p Says Re: Wood verses Acrylic drums

Submitted On: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 - 11:16 PM

I've always liked ddrum. On another drummer forum one of the members is a rep from rcidrums.com that is encouraging all the more advanced players to contact him for endorsements. Their kits are nice too. I'd like to hear a good wood kit and a good acrylic kit side by side. All the acrylic players say the acrylics are very loud.
Of course I'm concerned with tonal quality more than volume. I've heard more wood kits that impressed me than acrylics. I haven't really looked at acrylics, tho. I don't know. Visit the rcidrums.com and let me know what you think. I've also heard of a brand called Versalite, I think.
When I've considered a new kit I think: Gretch, ddrum, DW, etc... I know there alot of good drum companies besides the most well known. I also MUST consider affordablily.

drumfreak Says Re: Wood verses Acrylic drums

Submitted On: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 - 9:39 PM

I know ddrum has some pretty cool acrylic kits: http://www.ddrum.com check 'em out!

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