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Anyone try the Perl Demon Drive Yet? I have...

drumfreak - Tue, 04/28/2009 - 20:37 | 7,515 views

I picked up the single pedal. No F'n way I'm paying $650 for the double... at least that's what I thought in the store. The pedal kicks ass I have to say now that I've bought it and have it here. There's only two complaints so far...

1) The batter is light as a feather and makes me want to kick harder, which exerts a lot more energy despite the smoothness of the pedal ... in my opinion ... I quickly yanked the round yet soft batter off and replaced it with a pearl eliminator batter and was much more satisfied. For the price, they should have included a multi-purpose batter.

2.) The plastic adjustment key holder is going to get broken, I know it. They should have used a metal one and painted it orange versus choosing a plastic one. Grr..

Other than that, the pedal is smooth as hell, didn't have to adjust it at all yet and I'm still in the "Short board" position (right out of the box).

Anyone else?

Drummer Comments (4)

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Bean Says Re: Anyone try the Perl Demon Drive Yet? I have...

Submitted On: Sunday, May 17, 2009 - 10:01 PM

I own the double. I liked it so much I practically gave my 9002 away....LOL. I kept the dw 9500 high hat until there is a demon drive high hat. You are all right, it is light as a feather, and I have put the dw two way beater, the IC rubber beater, and the Pearl quad beater, and I come back to the stock beater. My only complaint, is that in the stock factory settings, with minor tweaking, it seems that I cannot get a solid hit on the kick. By that I mean that as soon as hit the kick it is snapping back at me, I loosened the tension, but that felt weird for the double bass patterns. I did raise the beater to where the line on the shaft is not in the ewindow but barely visible above the window which helped. I am effortlessly playing double bass, and I mean that.

Cash Says Re: Anyone try the Perl Demon Drive Yet? I have...

Submitted On: Thursday, May 7, 2009 - 7:05 AM

Yes! And I love it! I'm a single bass player and I do a lot of speedy stuff on the foot and this pedal has the quickest response I've ever experienced.

thundafoot Says Re: Anyone try the Perl Demon Drive Yet? I have...

Submitted On: Wednesday, May 6, 2009 - 9:28 PM

As u know , there's 2 ways to play that pedal . 1 metod is heel to toe and the other is the ball of your foot . Since I play db bass I also have the db pedal accompanied in the mix . I can see where the lighter the pedal u would have a tendency to kick it harder but it's just like anything else , u will have to get use to it and the heel 2 toe method works very well when my legs start to get tired .

ThatDrummerKid Says Re: Anyone try the Perl Demon Drive Yet? I have...

Submitted On: Friday, May 1, 2009 - 8:53 AM

That's cool that you got that pedal, sweet. They are a bit pricy though... I have tried them out and had the same thoughts, the beater is too light and there is a few plastic things that should probably be metal on it. Other than that, it's a well-machined pedal!

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