I'm thinking of adding/changing some things to my kit. I was looking to change the floor toms from mounted to floor toms with legs. I just like the durability, and I hate the floppy-ness of the mounted toms. Can someone help me find a decent floor-tom leg kit?
Drummer Comments (2)
[+] Add CommentDave Heim Says Re: Floor Tom Legs
Submitted On: Wednesday, Jul 9, 2008 - 12:57 PM
If your drums are from a major manufacturer, you can probably order their legs from GC or a good drum shop.
If you're not concerned about staying within the same manufacturer hardware family, the Gibralters should be just fine.
Remember: Measure twice (or more), drill once. Take your time. Use a sharp drill bit and apply some masking tape to the inside of the shell where the drill bit will come through - this will help prevent the wood from splitting/fraying.
Good luck.
drumfreak Says Re: Floor Tom Legs
Submitted On: Sunday, Mar 30, 2008 - 10:13 AM
I found some at the local Guitar Center for really cheap.
There's about 4 pairs there, all under $20, except for the Pearl's and they are $35.
Good Luck!
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