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Mixing board for drums

kyle7863 - Sat, 04/04/2009 - 15:20 | 11,366 views

Anyone got a mixing board recommendation for drums?

Met girl, now available in robot form.

Drummer Comments (3)

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darthmonkey113 Says Re: Mixing board for drums

Submitted On: Thursday, Jun 4, 2009 - 6:51 PM

everything samson and behringer sucks. The mackie onyx series is good, cuz some of the boards have a built in firewire port to record directly into your computer. Sennheiser makes great drum mics too.

ThatDrummerKid Says Re: Re: Mixing board for drums

Submitted On: Wednesday, Jun 24, 2009 - 12:06 PM

I agree that samson pretty much sucks, but behringer actually makes some good mixers for the money. And surprisingly they don't buzz, and the effects sound good. I personally have a 12 channel behringer sittin around my house with effects n stuff. It works great, I'v had no problems with it :]

Mackies are obviously better in all aspects, but they cost an arm and a leg :/

Madmazz Says Re: Mixing board for drums

Submitted On: Friday, May 1, 2009 - 3:42 PM

DO NOT USE SAMSON! Their mic pre amps are lacking and thier mics are best for live use not recording!!!

drumfreak Says Re: Mixing board for drums

Submitted On: Saturday, Apr 4, 2009 - 4:14 PM


You can pick up any Analog mixer. Guitar Center's and such sell 8 or 16 channel mixers starting at $100 - $500 bucks depending on what you want to spend. Yamaha makes good mixers that I've used.

You can plug in your computer via USB with some of these mixers and it shows up just as a sound device you can record with from your software.  Something like this, but with 8 channels (should be half the price):


Also, SHURE makes drum mic packs that are perfect. Check this out: http://www.uniquesquared.com/servlet/the-83/Shure-DMK57-dsh-52-Drum-Pack/Detail

The Beta 52's and SM57's work very well. I also use Beta 98's (small condensor mic's on my toms) and AKG C414's on my overheads. I've used AKG C1000's on my overheads as well and they work very well. Just about any mic's will do, you just gotta know how to tweak the sound from the mixer on.

Here's the latest recording I did with my setup in the drumroom: https://drummerconnection.com/users/drumfreak/media/audio/5861-gajate-and-cowbell-left-foot-cowbell

Have fun! This is a whole new journey with drumming!

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