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Playing Odd Meters

King - Thu, 12/04/2008 - 16:08 | 2,835 views

Does anyone have any experience with the book: Drummer's Guide to Odd Meter written by Ed Roscetti? I was looking to expand upon playing more odd time and was just wondering has anybody studied with this particular book before I buy it. Any thoughts?

Drummer Comments (6)

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King Says Re: Playing Odd Meters

Submitted On: Monday, Nov 16, 2009 - 2:19 PM

Thanks for all the help guys.

Carver Drums Says Re: Playing Odd Meters

Submitted On: Sunday, Nov 15, 2009 - 10:49 PM

Drumfun.com just came out with a new Turn It Up Lay It Down cd on odd meters. Great playalong tracks to practice applying all the stuff in the books.

drummer7771212 Says music

Submitted On: Thursday, Oct 8, 2009 - 12:15 PM

does anyone write music looking for written drumset solos to practice. i write music but i have played them all looking for more pieces. if anyone wants take a look at them please email me at drummer7771212@yahoo.com and let me know what you think. be honest you will not hurt my feelings. how else are you going to know if you can write music or not(constructive criticism).
many famous drummers were told they couldn't do it but they persevered and look at them now. (never quit or be discouraged)

drummer7771212 Says odd meters

Submitted On: Thursday, Oct 8, 2009 - 12:05 PM

I am unsure about odd meters. can anyone help me out.
Lets say I have a piece of music at 60 bpm my first measure is in 4/4 and they are eighth notes. My second measure is in 5/8 with beats 2 ,3 and 5 subdivided then after that i have a 5/16 measure with subdivisions on beats 3 and 5. my next measure is in 3/32 with no subdivisions. finally my next measures are in 7/8 with no subdivisions and ending with a measure in 7/16.
how do i count this and where do my foot taps or beats fall? im having problems playing simply because i dont know where the beats fall.

thanks for any help

toddvinciguerra Says Re: Playing Odd Meters

Submitted On: Friday, Jul 17, 2009 - 6:51 PM

Ralph Humphrey also has a great book, Even in the Odds!

Check it out.

If you have any other questions on intro to odd meter, feel free to contact me.


drummer7771212 Says Re: Playing Odd Meters

Submitted On: Thursday, Jun 11, 2009 - 9:41 PM

its great. if u want to expand your horizons go for it!

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