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Rockstars Dying of "Natural Causes"

webadmin - Fri, 11/14/2008 - 15:01 | 6,926 views

Recently Mitch Mitchell, Drummer for the Jimmy Hendrix Experience passed away recently to what the coroner's claim to be "natural causes". No disrespect intended but what do YOU consider to be natural causes for a musician. When I think of the term as it relates to musicians I'm thinking:
- drug overdose/alcohol abuse
- car/bus wreck/motorcycle accident
- plane crashes
- suicide
- STD's
- drug overdose (oops, already mentioned)
These are just a few examples of "natural causes" when I think of how the most famous of musicians die. It never just seems to be from "old age".....makes you wonder.

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drumhead101541 Says Re: Rockstars Dying of "Natural Causes"

Submitted On: Friday, Nov 14, 2008 - 2:49 PM

Yeah, those do seem like "natural causes" for a musician to eat it.

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