Put your arms in front of you horizontal to the floor.
Palms down. Fingers and thumb in. Touching not fist.
Now turn your arms palm up. Feel your wrists, forearms, and
bicepts, stretch! Doing this a few times will help you warm up when you don't have time to do stick work, AND it's not as dangerous as that one when you put the sticks in one hand, reach around and pull your arm over.
Drummer Comments (2)
[+] Add Comment- - D - - Says Re: Just learned a new warm-up stretch!
Submitted On: Thursday, Aug 13, 2009 - 9:24 AM
very cool thx for sharing, I will try it.
DecompProject Says Re: Just learned a new warm-up stretch!
Submitted On: Friday, Aug 7, 2009 - 1:20 AM
Yeah I'm glad someone made a topic about this, warming up and stretching is important. I do this stretch my self some times.I also stretch my legs some what if I was going to go running, because if your doing a lot of double bass work it is similar to running and you can cramp up easily. another thing I do which is a little weird is I keep a set of drum sticks in every room in my house so if I'm just sitting there like watching TV I will practice 16th notes either in the air, on a pillow or the end of the couch. I also do this while I'm driving,and as far as exorcises I follow Derek Roddy's exorcises religiously, I don't get to play drums every day but I have a practice snare and bass drum, and I do his warm ups for at least a half hour a day and let me tell you I'm sweating afterwards. But thank you for making a topic about this, it is very important.
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