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A feature where someone can show their skills live with a web cam.

Tdog672000 - Thu, 02/19/2009 - 10:01

I think it would be cool to have some sort of video/chat room where different people can go in it and show people their new stuff. And people comment on it live. Or they could put on a show with their band or something. I checked the site to see if there was anything like that. I didn't see anything so I think that would be cool and it would be something no one has really utilized before.

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doey1200 Says Re: A feature where someone can show their skills live with a we

Submitted On: Tuesday, Apr 28, 2009 - 12:15 PM

This feature is now available in multiple media sections throughout the website. We call it "record live." If you have a webcam you can record live to any of the playalongs or even to your own music. If you don't want to record live, we also have a feature that allows you to upload a pre-recorded playalong or video. If you don't have a webcam, don't worry... you can just use your sound device and record an audio file. No webcam is required.

drumfreak Says Re: A feature where someone can show their skills live with a we

Submitted On: Thursday, Feb 19, 2009 - 10:07 AM

Let the seed be planted! We'll work on something like this in the near future!

King Says Re: A feature where someone can show their skills live with a we

Submitted On: Thursday, Feb 19, 2009 - 10:06 AM

That would be a cool little feature for us to incorporate. I'll have to speak with the developer to see what it would take to do something like that. The only real issue is getting a good audio recording. We have a friend that is starting to do something very similar for live drum lessons via online. Great idea. In the meantime you're always welcome to upload videos for us to feature on the front page. We just need to review them on your profile first because if we gave everybody right to upload Featured Video people could upload non-specific or explicit materials. Some people just have nothing better to do. Great idea though! I'll look into it.

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