Drummer Connection
Drummer Connection

Drummer Connection Forum

Webmaster Update: Redesign Again..

drumfreak - Wed, 07/23/2008 - 10:17

Greetings everyone...

I just wanted to give a webmaster update. We're in the process of working with some designers to give us a better look on the website. As well, we're working to coordinate the colors a little better so that the site flows more appropriately.  Right now, we've got a bunch of things patched together and I think we can make it look better and be easier to navigate.

We really want to redesign the forums also. If anyone knows some super nerdy (like us...) web programmers, we've put up a job listing on Craig's List for a position on Drummerconnection:


Feel free to spread the word, but we need someone who's really awesome and proficient at this!

Stay tuned, when we get the site looking like we want it, we'll open the floodgates and put our advertising back up. For now, we encourage you to continue using the site and any feedback you have is welcome to help us better gear this towards your experience, not ours.


Drum Freak
Drummer Connection Founder
Drummer Connection Developer


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