I was speaking with a few music majors last night and one of them asked me what 4 against 5 sounded like. I asked if they meant 5/4 and they said no. I have NEVER heard this reference before. Has anyone else? If so...how is it written? Or are they just messing with me?
Drummer Comments (2)
[+] Add CommentJason_ Says Re: 5 against 4???
Submitted On: Sunday, Sep 5, 2010 - 5:41 PM
It's playing a 5 note phrase over a 4 note phrase. You can do this by playing five note phrases with the feet and 4 note phrases with the hands or switching it up between the two hands doing a five note phrase with the right hand against a 4 note phrase on the left or vice/verse. The idea is to be playing two separate patterns all together at the same time.
slowmotioncowboy Says Re: 5 against 4???
Submitted On: Sunday, Sep 5, 2010 - 3:23 AM
It's a pollyrythm. If you did 5's on the snare and kick on 1, 2, 3, and 4, that's 5 against four. (I think)
extremebeat Says Re: Re: 5 against 4???
Submitted On: Sunday, Sep 5, 2010 - 9:21 AM
Thanks! That makes perfect sense!
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