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Difference Between Snare Head And Batter Head?

Gary M - Thu, 07/15/2010 - 19:23 | 2,197 views

Yesterday while tuning my snare I cranked to much and busted the bottom head. I didn't have another one, so I used an old top batter head.
It seems ok, but not quite the sound I was looking for. Anybody else ever use the top snare head on the bottom? What is the biggest different between the two?

Gary M

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Jason_ Says Re: Difference Between Snare Head And Batter Head?

Submitted On: Friday, Jul 16, 2010 - 12:07 PM

Thickness. Your snare side(resonant) head is much thinner than any batter head you could buy. It really makes the drums sing and gives them a little more of a cracking sound if that makes sense. They are so thin that when I remove mine to replace there are little dings in the head from where I tap it by each lug for tuning. I've used a thin single ply batter head in the past out of necessity and it makes it sound more like a tom drum to me. My personal choice for snare side is the Remo Ambassador Hazy Snare head. Real thin with lot's of response from the snare wires. Hope this helps!

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