So I've got a project called the 4040 I've been working on for awhile now. It's only me, playing all the instruments and writing all the instrumentation. I'm looking to go into a professional studio toward the middle of April for a three song EP, and I was going to send it out to raido stations, small know, the works.
What I'm wondering is: is it even worth the hassle? I know that live shows account for a big part of the decision to sign someone on a label and I can't exactly do any right now, being just one person. I can't get a backing band that understands where I'm coming from with it either.
Any ideas?
Drummer Comments (2)
[+] Add CommentSlim Drummer Says Re: One man band?
Submitted On: Monday, Sep 27, 2010 - 12:21 AM
How do you preform live? Iv been messin with the Idea of getting a loopstation so i can controll all the loops via foot pedals but the ones iv been looking at only let you play one riff and loop it and overdub it but then thats it. I want to be able to controll say the Chorus then the verse back to chorus then the bridge then back to chorus with the footpedals. Only thing iv seen that might be able to anything like that is the Boss Loopsation RC-50 I think. Can this be done or am I dreaming? How is it normally done?
Rockula Says Re: One man band?
Submitted On: Wednesday, Apr 28, 2010 - 3:40 PM
I have been busting my ass trying to get my one man band concept off the ground. My biggest problem is that most people can't grasp enough of the concept. It is easier for a guitar player (like Buckethead) to get up and play along with an I-pod but there seems to be a gap in be;lievability between people and drummers. Even after watching me perform an entire set, people still don't realise i am juggling 5 different media at once. They seem to find it much more interesting once they fill in all the blanks. The key is trying to invite the audience into your process as much as possible. People get bored with the "Push play and play along" concept real quick. The reason people like rock bands so much is because they can see each instrument performing it's duty, whereas electronics can do anything. For all they know, you are just playing drums to a backing track. No matter how good you are as a drummer, it will never beat a melodic instrument for instant identification
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