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drum set help!

drummerbum - Sun, 11/01/2009 - 18:58 | 8,507 views

I am looking to buy my first drum set!! I am extremely excited to do this, but I need help, what brand names should I look for? I want to buy a drum set that will last me as long as possible, not some cheepo beginner set, possibly one that is intermediate-professional quality without the price... any suggestions???

Drummer Comments (6)

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Killie6465 Says Re: drum set help!

Submitted On: Friday, Jun 11, 2010 - 9:24 PM

This was the question I was about to pose.
I only started playing pipe band snare drum when I turned 40 (I try to do something I've never done before on the "zero birthdays), and now I have been bitten by the rhythm bug, and considering buying a kit.
Thanks for the info lads, and check out some of the top pipe band drummers when you get a chance ...they can do some fantastic stuff. Alex Duthart for one was way ahead of his time.
I do not fall into this category (oer anywhere near it) but enjoy playing just the same.

rickcolaluca Says Re: drum set help!

Submitted On: Tuesday, Nov 3, 2009 - 9:31 AM

Look at all of the major brands. Most of them make intermediate level kits. My practice kit is a Ludwig Accent CS Custom and it's quite nice (paid $450.00 used without cymbals). In fact I just uploaded a video of me playing it at a gig, so it's quite worthy, even though it's not a top of the line kit. The hardware could be a little sturdier, but you get what you pay for. Also listen to different types of drums, as different materials make different sounds. My favorite is birch, but that's a personal preference. I'd go to a drum store and bang on stuff to see what you like, then check your local Craigslist for a good deal on a used kit. Good luck!

TheFunkyDrumma Says Re: drum set help!

Submitted On: Monday, Nov 2, 2009 - 8:13 PM

I use a mish-mosh of drums!!!!! I've got a 1960 22" Leedy bass drum that NEVER lets me down!!! As long as your not buying some extremely bad condition kit, you'll be good.

King Says Re: drum set help!

Submitted On: Monday, Nov 2, 2009 - 3:30 PM

ddrum, Gretsch, PDP start with those. They have the best BANG for your buck.

Ddrummer90 Says Re: drum set help!

Submitted On: Sunday, Nov 1, 2009 - 9:53 PM

Check out Ddrum brand drums. They are great quality at all price ranges and have everything from beginner everything-in-a-box sets to american custom sets + everything in between! I play a diablo inferno kit but they have diablo 5 piece kits for around $600 to $800. Hope this helps. Rock on!

ZeAaron Says Re: Re: drum set help!

Submitted On: Sunday, Nov 1, 2009 - 10:23 PM

Ddrum are great! i have a Ddrum Dominion AMX which comes in a four peice for like 600. also, ludwig has a decent set with zildian cymbals for about 500 i think

drumfreak Says drum set help!

Submitted On: Sunday, Nov 1, 2009 - 5:59 PM

The most important thing is to find something that you Like, you are comfortable with, and you can afford. Brand names, etc, don't mean much, but I like Gretsch :)

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