Thanks for the welcome i am a drummer that has been playing sence i was five and i am a good drummer played in church all my life and got in the working word was forced to let it go did not want to so i am trying to get it back because drums are my life i go to bed with drums on my mind and wake up with them on my mind so i never owend my own set have not been able to pratice so i lost a lot of my skill i am laid off wish i had the money to buy my set so i am asking if any one in the drum connection could and would bless me with a small set mabye an old pratice set you donot want anymore i just would like to get bake what i lost i donot care how small i will take whatever i can get if one peace comes from defferent people thats fine when a job comes i can tweke the set for those who can help me thanks in advance my contect imfo is 1125 13st port arthur texas 77640 my email is please reply i would like to try to pay for shiping and handling once again thanks your drum brother chop sticks
Drummer Comments (2)
[+] Add Commentocin311 Says Re: trying to get it back
Submitted On: Wednesday, Aug 26, 2009 - 3:33 PM
sounds like a spam alert.
DRock Says Re: trying to get it back
Submitted On: Friday, Aug 21, 2009 - 10:59 AM
Welcome to the site but whats up with all those posts??? lol Wooza man lol
ThatDrummerKid Says Re: Re: trying to get it back
Submitted On: Friday, Aug 21, 2009 - 11:36 AM
I know right? lol
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