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Guitar Center (Page 1)

Drum Solos: Juan Mendoza's Performance At Guitar Center's Drum-Off 2008

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Submitted by webadmin on Mon, 11/29/2010 - 12:08
Juan Mendoza's performance at Guitar Center's Drum-Off 2008 Grand FInals.... read more...

Drum Solos: Jason Bittner's Solo Live At Guitar Center's Drum-Off

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Submitted by webadmin on Wed, 06/16/2010 - 18:13
Jason Bittner of Shadow's Fall performs at Guitar Center's Drum-Off 2008 Grand Finals... read more...

Drum Solos: Troy Molsberry: Guitar Center Drum-Off '09 Finalist

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Submitted by webadmin on Wed, 06/16/2010 - 14:50
Guitar Center Drum-Off finalist, Troy Molsberry's performance from the GC Drum-Off Grand FInals - Jan 8th, 2009 at the Wiltern in Los Angeles. For more information on Guitar Center or Drum-Off visit www.guitarcenter.com... read more...

Drum Solos: Nicko McBrain's Solo At Guitar Center's Drum-Off 2008

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Submitted by webadmin on Wed, 06/16/2010 - 14:49
Nicko McBrain's (Iron Maiden) solo performance at Guitar Center's Drum-Off 2008 Grand Finals.... read more...

Featured Drummer Video: DRUM OFF 2009 - Preliminary # 1

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Submitted by - - D - - on Mon, 10/05/2009 - 13:37
This was the first preliminary of the Drum Off 2009.  Orlando Florida's Guitar Center store #777. ... read more...

Drummer Event: Roland Drum Night: Guitar Center/Greensboro,NC

Submitted by King on Sun, 09/20/2009 - 13:52
  Roland, BOSS and Edirol clinics are hands-on, user-oriented sessions held at music retail locations across the country. Our highly trained experts demonstrate products in depth and work with you one-to-one on any questions you might have about our gear. These clinics are a great way to discover features you may not know about or aren’t sure how to use. If you’re considering purchasing a Roland, BOSS or Edirol product, here’s a great way to see the product action before you buy it. You’ll also get the chance to network with other users.   For more information please visit http://www.rolandus.com/events_clinics/?tab=percussion

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Drummer Event: Roland Drum Night: Guiter Center/Greensboro,NC

Submitted by King on Sun, 09/20/2009 - 13:52
    Roland, BOSS and Edirol clinics are hands-on, user-oriented sessions held at music retail locations across the country. Our highly trained experts demonstrate products in depth and work with you one-to-one on any questions you might have about our gear. These clinics are a great way to discover features you may not know about or aren’t sure how to use. If you’re considering purchasing a Roland, BOSS or Edirol product, here’s a great way to see the product action before you buy it. You’ll also get the chance to network with other users.   For more information please visit http://www.rolandus.com/events_clinics/?tab=percussion

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Featured Drummer Video: Heavenly Drums Interview: Luis Lorenzo (part 3)

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Submitted by - - D - - on Mon, 09/07/2009 - 19:50
Part 3 continues on.  These snares drums truly are peices of art and we are thankfull for Mr. Lorenzo taking time to come to our workplace.  If you need contact information you can ask Luis personally on his profile: https://drummerconnection.com/users/luis-lorenzo.  More info in part 4! keep drumming. ... read more...

Drummer News: DRUM OFF 09' - SIGN UP NOW

Submitted by ThatDrummerKid on Wed, 09/02/2009 - 09:58
       The Search for the Top Undiscovered Drummer in the Nation is Back!   Guitar Center is pleased to announce the return of Guitar Center's Drum-Off, the world's largest drum competition. Starting August 1st, drummers can sign up for their chance to win over $40,000 in cash and prizes, joining over 5,000 drummers from across the country to compete for the title of Guitar Center's Drum-Off Champion. Now in its 21st year, Guitar Center's... read more...



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