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rotcav (Page 1)

Featured Drummer Video: 4th of July Jams

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Submitted by ThatDrummerKid on Mon, 07/06/2009 - 17:02
Here's some sections of the jams we had on the 4th of July out in the drum room. We had some really cool stuff going on with the keys, the bass, some loops, and some playalong action, for sure we all had a great time out there. Not to mention we lit up a lot of fireworks that night! ... read more...

Featured Drummer Video: Long Walk Home - rotcav, Cash and drumfreak - 2009/06

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Submitted by drumfreak on Sun, 06/28/2009 - 22:20
This is Joe Burke's song, Long Walk Home. We've been playing with this song for a few weeks now and we sat down and tracked it this week. First started out with Joe / rotcav coming out on Monday to track his parts on the keyboard live with me on the drums. I then played Joe's keyboard tracks and laid a new drum track with Cash on the bass. Cash also laid down the lead guitar after that. I retracked my drums this Saturday and mastered the audio. This is a really cool half time feel that I'... read more...

Featured Drummer Audio: Long Walk Home - rotcav, Cash and drumfreak - 2009/06/27

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Submitted by drumfreak on Sat, 06/27/2009 - 21:16
This is Joe Burke's song, Long Walk Home. We've been playing with this song for a few weeks now and we sat down and tracked it this week. First started out with Joe / rotcav coming out on Monday to track his parts on the keyboard live with me on the drums. I then played Joe's keyboard tracks and laid a new drum track with Cash on the bass. Cash also laid down the lead guitar after that. I retracked my drums this Saturday and mastered the audio. This is a really cool half time feel that I'm playi... read more...

Drummer Video: drumfreak and rotcav - Chili Peppers Jams - 2009/06/21

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Submitted by drumfreak on Tue, 06/23/2009 - 22:02
Here's rotcav and myself jamming out to some Red Hot Chili Peppers in between takes of the song we were working on. ... read more...

Drummer Audio: rotcav and drumfreak - Long Walk Home - 2009/06/21

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Submitted by drumfreak on Mon, 06/22/2009 - 00:09
Here's Rotcav and myself giving another run at Long Walk Home. I added some Thunderstorms that I recorded off my back porch awhile back on the PCM Recorder. This is a really cool track. Enjoy!... read more...

Drummer Audio: drumfreak - rotcav Long Walk Home - retracks

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Submitted by drumfreak on Sun, 06/14/2009 - 11:15
rotcav came over a few days ago and I fired up a click and we tracked Long Walk Home live with me playing drums and him on the keyboard. Now that we have a version that has good timing on it, I took out my original drum tracks, bounced it out as a drumless version and and played to it for the first time without rotcav physically there. Here's about 3 runs (2 with click and 1 without). This song has such incredible depth. I would like to make this a playalong for others to be able to drum to! ... read more...

Drummer Audio: drumfreak and rotcav - Slap Bass 04 Jam Remix - 2009/06/09

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Submitted by drumfreak on Fri, 06/12/2009 - 00:06
I deccided to remix this one with a little better drum sound and some more volume. Check it out... rotcav and me jamming to Slap Bass 04 from Garage Band. ... read more...

Drummer Audio: drumfreak and rotcav - ER Jam Remix - 2009/06/08

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Submitted by drumfreak on Fri, 06/12/2009 - 00:06
I decided to remix this one with a little better drum sound and some more volume. Check it out... rotcav and me doing some sort of ER Theme jam... read more...

Drummer Audio: drumfreak and rotcav - Long Walk Home Remix - 2009/06/08

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Submitted by drumfreak on Fri, 06/12/2009 - 00:06
I decided to remix this one with a little better drum sound and some more volume. Check it out... rotcav and me playing Long Walk Home, a little different this time.... read more...

Drummer Audio: drumfreak and rotcav - Groovy Jam Remix - 2009/06/08

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Submitted by drumfreak on Fri, 06/12/2009 - 00:06
I decided to remix this one with a little better drum sound and some more volume. Check it out... rotcav and me playing.... read more...



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