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Aquarian (Page 1)

Drummer Video: Rig 7 Highlight Reel: Seattle's First Call for Drums

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Submitted by rig7drums on Tue, 04/20/2010 - 13:18
Rig 7 TV is an archive of ideas that define my approach to the drums, drummers, and performing. This video is a sketch for a highlight reel. Thanks for watching … ... read more...

Featured Drummer YouTube: Eric More/Mike Johnston Clinic

Submitted by ThatDrummerKid on Mon, 04/20/2009 - 11:00
Here's a clip from a drum clinic that Mike Johnston and Eric Moore did. This clinic was held at Guitar Center in Modesto California in July of 2008. ... read more...

Featured Drummer Video: Carmine Appice Teaching Seminar 2009/25/09 - Lamp Shade Cymbal

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Submitted by ThatDrummerKid on Thu, 03/05/2009 - 17:41
Here's Carmine Appice with his "Carmine Appice Shade Cymbal". He's been playing playing them since 1992. It was originally made in a lamp shade factory, but now they are gonna be made by Sabian and distributed by ddrum. The Carmine Lamp Shade Cymbal is a very trashy effects cymbal that gives of a sound similar to a spash and a china cymbal put together. Carmine likes the cymbal because of it's trashy sound and quick decay. The cymbal will go for most likely less than 100 bucks, so look... read more...

Featured Drummer Video: Carmine Appice Teaching Seminar 2009/25/09 - How to Pronounce Appice

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Submitted by ThatDrummerKid on Thu, 03/05/2009 - 17:20
Carmine just gives us a quick breakdown on how the name pronounced differently between family members. This has been an on-going question for most Carmine/Vinnie Appice fans, and now we got the answer while attending Carmine's Teaching Seminar in Seminole, FL. The Seminar was proudly sponsored by ddrum, Vic Firth, and Sabian. ... read more...

Featured Drummer Video: Carmine Appice Teaching Seminar 2009/25/09 - Falling Rocks

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Submitted by webadmin on Wed, 03/04/2009 - 17:32
In this video, Carmine breaks down something that aquired the name, "falling rocks". Falling rocks sounds like it's name, like a bunch of focks falling down a hill eventually slowing down to a few big finishing hits. Carmine completely breaks down what his version of "falling rocks" consists of, and plays a bunch of examples with different combinations and patterns that build the "falling rocks". ... read more...

Featured Drummer Video: Carmine Appice Teaching Seminar 2009/25/09 - Grip

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Submitted by webadmin on Wed, 03/04/2009 - 16:38
In this video, Carmine really talks into depth on how he developed his unique grip with the right hand.   Carmine explains that his grip with the right hand was created on accident while playing a Vanilla Fudge gig. It was a very hot day in a small crowded venue, and his sticks started flying out of his hands like mad from all the sweat. He ended up catching one of his sticks at an akward position, using between the first and middle finger as the fulcrum point for that stick. So... read more...

Drummer News: Today: "Rockify" the Classics at the Carmine Appice Drum Seminar and Masterclass

Submitted by ThatDrummerKid on Wed, 02/25/2009 - 10:57
Come out and learn how to "Rockify" the classics with Seminole Music and Sound! This is a FREE teaching seminar hosted by the great Carmine Appice. Carmine first came into the spotlight with the band Vanilla Fudge in the late 1960’s.  Later, Carmine joined Grammy-winning guitar hero Jeff Beck, becoming a member of the internationally acclaimed trio: Beck, Bogert and Appice. One of the premier showmen in rock, he became known worldwide for his astonishing live performan... read more...

Drummer Event: "Rockify" the Classics at the Carmine Appice Drum Seminar and Masterclass!

Submitted by webadmin on Fri, 01/23/2009 - 14:54
  Come out and learn how to "Rockify" the classics with Seminole Music and Sound! This is a FREE teaching seminar hosted by the great Carmine Appice. Carmine first came into the spotlight with the band Vanilla Fudge in the late 1960’s.  Later, Carmine joined Grammy-winning guitar hero Jeff Beck, becoming a member of the internationally acclaimed trio: Beck, Bogert and Appice. One of the premier showmen in rock, he became known worldwide for his astonishing live performances, in addition to becoming a highly sought-after session drummer. In 1976, his friend Rod Stewart invited him to join the band. As a member of the Rod Stewart Band, Carmine discovered yet another talent by becoming a hit songwriter.  The Seminar is from 12-1:30pm, during that time Carmine will give insight on the teaching methods and concepts from his book Realistic Rock and Jim Chapin’s Andvanced Techniques for the Modern Drummer.   Afterwards from 7-9pm Carmine will hold a special Masterclass for only 30 students. Price of admission is $35 and each student will receive..... a pair of Carmine’s signature drum sticks and a copy of: Drum Wars: The Ultimate Battle DVD – where Vinny and Carmine break out the heavy artillery in this entertaining no-holds barred battle of the brothers.  Drummer Connection will be sending one lucky member to the seminar for FREE courtesy of Seminole Music and Sound. All you have to do is stop by the store and mention Drummer Connection as you purchase some drum gear and you're name gets entered in the drawing for the FREE TICKET! Contact the store or visit thier website HERE.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

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Featured Drummer Video: NAMM 2009 - Roy Burns and Dom Famularo

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Submitted by ThatDrummerKid on Fri, 01/16/2009 - 11:01
Here's Roy Burns from Aquarian, and Dom Famularo talking about some new things to expect from Aquarian this year! ... read more...



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