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Aaron kennedy (Page 1)

Drummer Video: Bunt Custom drums shout out!

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Submitted by RhythmSaint on Sun, 08/15/2010 - 18:56
Burnt custom drums...Thank you!!!...

Drummer Video: My Vic Firth Custom Sticks Arrive!!!

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Submitted by RhythmSaint on Mon, 05/10/2010 - 16:58
Thank you Vic, Marvo & Ben!!!YOu guys rock...

Drummer Video: Aaron live

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Submitted by RhythmSaint on Sat, 10/17/2009 - 04:38
Aaron playing with God is an Astronaut during"All is violent,Allis bright" album launch... read more...



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Cymbals: Amedia Cymbals | Istanbul Cymbals | Meinl Cymbals | Paiste Cymbals | Sabian Cymbals | Zildjian Cymbals
Drum Sticks: Pro-Mark Drumsticks | Vater Drumsticks | Vic Firth Drumsticks | Zildjian Drumsticks | 3 Drumsticks
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