Drummer Connection
Drummer Connection
Drummer Connection

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Skillet (Page 1)

Drummer Profile: [email protected]

Last Updated [email protected] on Fri, 05/15/2009 - 21:46
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I am a drummer from Bossier City, LA. I am looking to join a Christian Band to minister to those who might not otherwise recieve that type of message, for worship and to recharge those who are currenlty attending a chruch. I have been playing the drums with organized bands for about 18 years now. I have played mostly original music of all kinds including punk rock, ska, folk rock, pop/classic rock, blues, industrial and even a little country. Some of the bands I co-founded are: Fuzzjungle, Scr... read more...

Drummer Profile: fulrmr

Last Updated fulrmr on Fri, 01/23/2009 - 15:59
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Hey. I'm Daniel. Oh "fulrmr" is kinda an acronym for "Full Armor". I get asked that all the time so I thought I would get it over with. I've only been drumming since May '08 but I've been in and out of bands since the late 80's. I am an artist. I've been airbrushing custom automotive graphics and murals since 1995. I also paint indoor murals for schools businesses and individuals. My musical skills are mostly used now for live sound reinforcement but by the grace of God in 2006 I performed my fi... read more...

Drummer Profile: nkimmel54

Last Updated nkimmel54 on Sun, 07/13/2008 - 16:48
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ive been, playin drums for about 4 years, now i would say.i am the drummer for my highschools jazz band. i enjoy playing jazz more than any other genre of music, but i the to excell in rock playing. i play the guitars, flute, claranet, sax's, and the drums. but i major in playing the drums. i currently play in a small local band, and im hoping to expand somtime durring my life to larger shows and a bigger band.... read more...

Drummer Profile: panhead_fr33k

Last Updated panhead_fr33k on Tue, 07/15/2008 - 10:42
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I love playing rock/metal!!! Skillet is my favorite band!!! My favorite thing to do is play in the worship band at my church. I own a 5 piece, white percussion plus set (nothin crazy for now)....but eventually, I would like to purchase a Mapex or Sonor kit w/ a Black Panther snare-they are so sick!. For my birthday I got a hi-hat pair of Zildjian Rock A's-they bite!....So yep....ROCK UR FACE OFF!!!!!! ... read more...



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