Hello Drummers!
Drummer Connection has been blessed with an incredible following and I enjoy and appreciate every bit of this journey. Recently, we passed through 100,000 Drummer Connection Member Signups; 50,000 Facebook Likes; near 10,000 YouTube Subscribers; and we're Celebrating!
Therefore, using this as a great excuse to score you a chance to win some gear, I've reached out to several friends in the Drumming Industry that I've worked with on product reviews and etc. These awesome companies have graciously donated in celebration of our recent growth and here's your chance to SCORE SOME GEAR!!
So check it out, I'm an extremely passionate person when it comes to Drumming and several other things in life. I'm looking for like-minded, extremely passionate drummers. It's not about your Drum Chops or knowing all the Rudiments, or even being able to play blast beats until your dog starts howling at the moon. It's how you play, and how you show it with your passion.
If you're ready to check out more details about this awesome prize package, tell us about yourself, and drum for us, then click the links on this page and get started!
All that I personally ask - and this is not a requirement - is that you subscribe to our pages and our sponsor pages on Facebook, YouTube and other social networks. It's the best way we can all let them know we appreciate their gesture and (don't tell them, but we want to do this again and again!) and make great connections. Tell 'em Drummer Connection sent ya!
We want to stay in connection with you, so help us out! To the right, you'll see a list of pages you can check out and Like, Subscribe, Tweet and connect with! We all greatly appreciate it!
Rock On!! Keep Drummin! \m/
Eric Rosebrock
DrummerConnection.com Founder
Crush Drums Website
Crush Drums Facebook
Crush Drums YouTube
Crush Drums Twitter
Tru Tuner Website
Tru Tuner Facebook
Tru Tuner YouTube
Tru Tuner Twitter
iDrumTech Website
iDrumTech Facebook
iDrumTech YouTube
iDrumTech Twitter
Sabian Website
SABIAN Facebook
SABIAN Twitter
Evans Website
Evans Facebook
Evans YouTube
Evans Twitter
Gorilla Ears Website
Gorilla Ears Facebook
Gorilla Ears YouTube
Gorilla Ears Twitter
Eccentric Systems Website
Eccentric Systems Facebook
Eccentric Systems YouTube
Eccentric Systems Twitter
Drumiture Website
Drumiture Facebook
Drumiture YouTube
Drumiture Twitter
Pro Cymbal Website
Pro Cymbal Facebook
Pro Cymbal YouTube
Pro Cymbal Twitter